Does your life resemble a juggling act?

- Do you feel overwhelmed with all you have to accomplish at home?
- Are you a full-time working mom with a toddler (or two) and trying to maintain a loving relationship with your partner?
- Have you back-burnered intimacy?
- Are you putting off exercise and self-care because you are too tired after work?
- Are you finding it hard to be present for your family when you come home?
- Do feel guilty and worried about the impact your work may have on your partner and children?
- Do you feel guilty when you stop working for a few hours, since there is much to be done?
I will teach you how to let go of perfectionism and maintain strong relationships. I will help you overcome obstacles, and I will provide feedback and accountability to help you move forward with focus and success.
“No” will become your new best friend. It will free you from over-scheduling, force you to accept what you can’t change, and help you create boundaries. You deserve to enjoy your life!